
     Plants produce more than 20,000 different terpenes. Terpenes are the aromatic hydrocarbons which are responsible for the scent and flavor in fruits, vegetables, flowers and trees. Over 100 different terpenes have been identified in the cannabis plant, and it's this combination of the terpenes, cannabinoids, and THC (called "The Entourage Effect") that creates the 'high' specific to a given strain. Terpenes are We are huge proponents of terpene education here at Lazy Bee Gardens. The more you know about the terpene profile of a particular strain, the easier it will be to assume the effect it will have on your mind and body.  Regular cannabis smokers have discovered through trial and error that 50 different strains with a 20% THC content will have 50 different effects on them.  You can thank terpenes for creating the incredible diversity of cannabis that is available today. Most cannabis shops divide their flower into sativa, indica, or hybrid, and it is the terpene profile that determines which category each strain falls into. We test for terpenes at Lazy Bee Gardens and we provide the total terpene content on every package. 

Terpinolene: found in lilac & apples; anti-bacterial/anti-fungal/anti-cancer/aids in sleep/antioxidant

Terpinolene: found in lilac & apples; anti-bacterial/anti-fungal/anti-cancer/aids in sleep/antioxidant

Linalool: found in lavender; anesthetic/anti-convulsant/analgesic/anti-anxiety/sedative

Linalool: found in lavender; anesthetic/anti-convulsant/analgesic/anti-anxiety/sedative

Limonene: found in citrus; anti-anxiety/antidepressant/anti-cancer/anti-nausea/relaxing

Limonene: found in citrus; anti-anxiety/antidepressant/anti-cancer/anti-nausea/relaxing

Caryophyllene: found in black pepper; anti-inflammatory/analgesic/protects cells lining the digestive tract

Caryophyllene: found in black pepper; anti-inflammatory/analgesic/protects cells lining the digestive tract

Pinene: found in pine needles; anti-inflammatory/bronchodilator/aids memory/anti-bacterial/mental stimulant

Pinene: found in pine needles; anti-inflammatory/bronchodilator/aids memory/anti-bacterial/mental stimulant

Myrcene: found in hops & mangoes; sleep aid/muscle relaxant

Myrcene: found in hops & mangoes; sleep aid/muscle relaxant

Humulene: found in hops; analgesic/anti-bacterial/anti-inflammatory/anti-cancer/appetite suppressant

Humulene: found in hops; analgesic/anti-bacterial/anti-inflammatory/anti-cancer/appetite suppressant